Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Intergalactic Abbreviator

Yeah, I know that this sounds kind of odd that I would want to do this, but it’s just so cool that I have to. Abbreviations (or abrevs) are so awesome because you get to take a word that’s really big and make it a little smaller and yet everyone still digs what you’re saying. Sure, there’s a downside to abrevs, lazy people (ppl) and ppl who are “just too busy” (JTB) use them all the time. When people are using (uzng) UR, do they mean you are or your? There’s a difference (diff) you know. Abrevs are effective (effctv), but they are a powerful tool and the temptation to misuse them is strong, indeed.

Hence Intergalactic Abbreviator (IB). I am going to use all the resources at my disposal to help everyone understand and communicate better utilizing this awesome and cool resource (res) called abrevs.

Just check out some of these cool abrevs:

CFU -----(Bacteria) Colony Forming Unit
BDK -----(Java) Beans Development Kit
SVV -----(Latin
FUD -----"(spreading) Fear, Uncertainty and Disinformation"
BOB -----(Taco Bueno's) Big Ole Burrito
IIE -----"(the) Institution (of) Incorporated Engineers [in electronic, electrical and mechanical engineering] "
OTY -----[the whatever] Of the Year
YXB -----10-Year Commonwealth Treasury Bond
DDQ -----"2,3-Dichloro-5,6-Dicyano-1,4-benzoQuinone [oxidizing agent in organic chemistry]"
TCP -----"2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (disinfectant) "
TDE -----2-dichlorethane (organochlorine insecticide)
MDA -----"3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (synthetic hallucinogenic drug)"
QNX -----3-quinuclidinyl-xanthene-9-carboxylate hemioxylate
ABQ -----A Better Quality
PLU -----a code for supermarkets (meaning unknown)
SCB -----a sticker found on a small banana
BNC -----a type of video
AUC -----"ab urbe condita, or anno urbis conditae (Latin: in the year, indicates number of years since founding of Rome) "
YXX -----"Abbotsford, British Columbia"
QUE -----abbrev. for Quebec
ATH -----Abbreviated Trouble History
ABB -----abbreviation
HRV -----abbreviation for Croatia
ANM -----Abbreviation with No Meaning
AAI -----"Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms"
ABD -----abdicated
AXR -----Abdominal X-Ray
AUJ -----Aberdeen University Journal
AZV -----Abfallzweckverband
AYN -----Aboriginal Youth Network
ABT -----About
ABV -----above
AAB -----Above And Beyond
ALQ -----Abraham Lincoln Quarterly
AJM -----Abrasive Jet Machining
AWJ -----Abrasive Water Jet
ABR -----abridged
AJV -----Abrupt Junction Varactor
AWL -----Absent With Leave
ABF -----Absolute Bloody Final (drink)
AOF -----Absolute Open Flow
AQU -----Absolute Quality University
AWT -----Abstract Window Toolkit (java)
AYV -----Abutilon Yellow Virus
AIS -----Academic Instruction School
AYG -----Academic Year Grant
AZG -----Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen
AGK -----Academy of Goju Karate
AIB -----Academy of International
LFY -----Leafy -----
LPF -----League for Programming Freedom -----
LYI -----League for Yiddish Incorporated -----
LCY -----League of Communists of Yugoslavia -----
LXG -----League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
LWV -----League of Women Voters
LDI -----Leak Detector Indicator
LDE -----Leak-Detection Element
LMY -----Lean Meat Yield
LTY -----Leaning Tower YMCA
LNQ -----Learning Network Queensland
LRC -----Learning Resource Center
LTW -----Learning Through Work
LAL -----Leased Access Line
LVT -----Leasehold Valuation Tribunal
LFU -----Least Frequently Used
LKB -----Leathercraft Knowledge Base
LMA -----Leave Me Alone
LVG -----Leaving
LEW -----Lech-Elektrizitaetswerke
LMZ -----Leder- und Motorradclub Zuerich
LWZ -----Lederwaren Zeitung
LBF -----"Lee Bird Field, North Platte, Nebraska, USA "
LUU -----Leeds University Union
LHR -----Left Hand Rule
LHT -----Left Hand Turn
LLL -----Left Lower Lobe
LLQ -----Left Lower Quadrant (medical abbreviation for area of the abdomen)
LMB -----Left Mouse Button
LTX -----Left Teradyne (at) Xmas
LTR -----Left To Right
LUL -----Left Upper Lobe
LUQ -----Left Upper Quadrant
LVV -----Left Ventricular Volume
LHG -----Left-Hand Grip
LHP -----Left-Handed Pitcher
LBW -----Leg Before Wicket (cricket)
LDM -----Legacy Data Management
LIS -----Legacy Information System
LEG -----Legal
LAB -----Legal Aid Board
LAO -----Legal Assistance Officer
LDK -----Legal Development of Kazakstan
LWI -----Legal Writing Institute
LXS -----Legislative Exhibition Series
LLO -----Legislative Liaison Officer
LYV -----Legume Yellow Virus
LVY -----Lehigh Valley
LSZ -----Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmerman
LGY -----Lehramt an Gymnasien
LZV -----Lehrkraeftezulagenverordnung
LKN -----Lehrstuhl fuer Kommunikationsnetze
LUR -----Lehrstuhl fuer Umweltverfahrenstechnik und Recycling
LZK -----Lehrzielkatalog
LRZ -----Leibniz Rechenzentrum
LDY -----Leicestershire and Derbyshire Yeomanry
LIY -----Leicestershire Imperial Yeomanry
LAZ -----Leichtathletikzentrum
LJZ -----Leipziger Juedische Zeitung
LQN -----Leistungs- und Qualitaetsnachweise
LUZ -----Leistungspruefung und Zuchtwertschaetzung
LQH -----Leiurus Quinquestriatus Hebraeus
LGK -----Leksell Gamma Knife
LLK -----Lelak
LJQ -----Lemon Juice Quartet
LZH -----Lempel-Ziv-Huffman Algorithm
LZS -----Lempel-Ziv-Stac (compression scheme)
LZW -----Lempel-Ziv-Welch (compression algorithm used in GIF image format)
LLU -----Lending Library Unit
LXH -----Length by Height
LXW -----Length by Width
LQU -----Length of Queue Understood
LMJ -----Leningrad Mathematical Journal
LVK -----Leon Vignetter Kit
LIK -----Lernsystem Informationskompetenz
LZI -----Lernzentrum Informatik
LQS -----Les Quatre Saisons
LTZ -----Less Than Zero
LDA -----Lesson Design Approach
LFR -----Let Freedom Ring
LMG -----Let Me Go
LMK -----Let Me Know
LNL -----Let Nicaragua Live
LGR -----Lethal Ground Range
MGR -----Manager
MBK -----"Managing Business Knowledge, Inc."
MTY -----Managing To Yield
MBS -----Manchester Business School
MCT -----Manchester College of Technology
MGS -----Manchester Grammar School
MCX -----Mandatory Center of Excellence
MPN -----Mandatory Parts Number
MNO -----Manganese Oxide
MJQ -----Manhattan Jazz Quintet
MJS -----Manipulator Jettison System
MAN -----Manitoba
MEN -----Manitoba Eco-Network
MKP -----ManKind Project
MMS -----Man-Made Substance
MLL -----Manned Lunar Landing
MZQ -----Mann-Zeichen-Quotienten
MDV -----Manprint Domain Verification
MNL -----Manual
MJE -----Manual Journal Entry
MRK -----Manual Remote Keying
MXO -----Manually eXtended Operation
MAT -----Manufacture And Test
MUL -----Manufacture Under Licence
MFX -----ManuFactured eXcellence
MVX -----Manufacturers of Vaccines
MWP -----Manufacturer's Wholesale Price
MFT -----manufacturing
MKF -----manufacturing failure
MWQ -----Manufacturing Without Quality
MSF -----"Manufacturing, Science and Finance"
ZUQ -----Manugistics Group Equity Options
MYS -----Man-Year-Space
SAM -----Surface to Air Missiles
SSM -----Surface to Surface Missile
STW -----Surface Transverse Wave
STT -----Surface Tunnel Transistor
SVU -----Surface Vehicle Unit
SMI -----Surveillance Monitoring Inspection
SPY -----Survey of Parents and Youth
SND -----Survivable Network Development
SNT -----Survivable Network Technology
SUS -----Susanna (Apocrypha)
SUU -----Suspension Underwing Unit
SOD -----Sustained Operational Date
SUY -----Suya
SEK -----Svenska Elektriska Kommissionen
SKK -----Svenska Kennelklubben Statens Kaernkraftinspektion
SXK -----Svenska Kryssarklubbens
SKF -----Svenska Kullagerfabriken
SUK -----Svenska Undulat Klubben
SKP -----Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti Statens Kaernkraftinspektion
SOK -----Sveriges Olympiska Kommitte
ZJN -----Swan River (Canada-MN) (location identifier)
SJQ -----Swann Jazz Quartet
SXY -----Swap X and Y Registers
TDY -----Today

Seriously, how awesome (awsm) are those abrevs? Couldn’t you just abrev all day (dy)? I know I could. Ppl uzng abrevs all dy is awsm and effctv. Abrevs r alwys fn and fnny, so gv it a try tdy!