Monday, January 07, 2008

A funny thing happened on the way to the bathroom

So I was going into the bathroom the other morning when I detected a very noticeable lime smell in the air. It took me but a moment to discover that the contents of my can of shaving cream were spewing out like some sort of foamy citrus-scented volcano.

Stay back everybody, I’ll handle this. I’m a trained professional.


Jean-Luc Picard said...

I hope it was deactivated.

Fluke Starbucker said...

so, are you now completely clean-shaven?... totally hairless?

i mean... you didn't let it go to waste, did you?

this probably wouldn't have happened if you'da just kept the orange lid on it...

Vince Briefs said...

I hate when that happens i mean I would if I actually shaved . Why won't my beard grow? sob!

Nepharia said...

I'm speechless....way too much innuendo with those pictures. I'm sorry....

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Well, I threw it away, Captain, does that count? I remember seeing phaser overloading, but I've never seen a shaving cream can do so before.

Some parts are completely hairless, FLuke, some aren't. I'm not saying what's what, though.

Vince, don't worry, I couldn't grow a proper beard until I was over 30. How old are you?

Nepharia, you naughty, naughty girl. Come over here so I can give you your punishment.

pissed off patricia said...

WTF happened to it? I hope you wore a hazmat suit when you cleaned it up. Ya never know what kind of attacks these "terrerist" are up to.

Dr. Zaius said...

You may be tempted to eat it with a fork, but use a spoon. You want to get every drop!

Anonymous said...

Blame Canada!

Once they destroy our shaving cream cans, we'll have to grow beards and then how will we spot the bearded invaders from the Yukon!