OK, so I missed a couple of comments in an earlier post. I’m not sure how that happened. I’m here to make it up to you because you know what they say? They say “Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator always gets his man!” No wait, that doesn’t sound right. They say “Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator sometimes writes haiku or something.” That doesn’t sound quite right either. Whatever. It is all good, as they say.
For Henchman:
He is the Henchman
Sneaky, dirty, conniving
And a great dancer
Mechanical strength
Summons beast from the abyss
Plus that winning smile
For Dr. Zaius:
Robot hands of No
Held cash for the Chinese mob
Now they are glowing
On top of that, last week at the Absorbascon, he had Haiku Tuesday. Check out these fresh beats:
The Flash is as smart
As the Green Lantern is dumb
They're the Odd Couple.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Haiku Summer: Add-a-mendemum
Posted by
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator
Intergalactic Communiqués
Labels: Summer of Haiku
Friday, May 22, 2009
Holy cow everybody. I almost just totally missed my fourth blogoversary. We need to go back and take a look at my previous ones!
Look at that! It’s my third blogversary and it just snuck up on us like that. I’ve been blogging here since May 20, 2005 and you know what that means? I need to get out more. More importantly, it means that we need to celebrate. Go ahead and get yourself a drink. Make it a Yo Joe Cola or a glass of Champagne, I’ll wait. Alright, as is my custom, let’s take a look back at my last few blogversaries, shall we?
Cool. I had a lot of fun writing the blog this year and I’ve want to thank all of my new Junior Intergalactic Gladiators that have found their way here as well as the ole faithful who’ve been around already. Thanks for stopping by these past twelve months; you make this old Intergalactic Gladiator proud. Go on, give yourselves a hand. Like I said, this year’s been fun and there were quite a few happenings along the way: Jan had a great adventure with the Bandit, I saved Dr. Zaius from a giant Jimmy Olsen robot, I started up the Separated at Birth Series and the iDoodles, and I took a picture of a deer peeing. Oh yeah, I’m also running for president. So tell me, what was your favorite Intergalactic Gladiator moment from this past year? Go on, I’m listening… ![]() |
That was super. I hope everyone had a swell time reading my blog this year.
#@(*&% Blagojevich burgers are on me! Yum-o!

Posted by
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator
Intergalactic Communiqués
Labels: Blogoversary
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Haiku Summer IV
OK, Junior Intergalactic Gladiators, I had a lot of fun with the haiku, so let’s end this with a bang. Submit your requests in the comments section below.
Summer’s just starting
Warm air, sunshine, nice weather
Let’s go see Star Trek
Captain Han Solo
Is all mushy for Leia
Laugh it up, fuzzball
For Dr. Zaius:
Sarah L Palin
She’s on a bridge to nowhere
Please, just go away
Update: For Captain Picard:
They're brave on Stargate
Jumping through a big portal
That looks like a loo
Posted by
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator
Intergalactic Communiqués
Labels: Summer of Haiku
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Haiku Summer III
Don’t stop me now kids, I’m on a roll!
(Well not literally. I don’t go around sitting on bread, that would be silly. You know what I mean)
For Captain Picard:
Money's tight right now
Even on the Enterprise
Worf gets out to push
Star Fleet's strapped for cash
Those Dilythium Crystals
Sure are expensive
For Jason Todd:
Jason Todd was caught
Stealing hubcaps from Batman
So make him Robin?
For MWB:
He wants no culture
Online, but can we have boobs
As well as good taste?
Posted by
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator
Intergalactic Communiqués
Labels: Summer of Haiku
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Haiku Summer, Part II
Writing haikus is fun! It’s fun and cultured! I got so much culture, it’s coming out of my butt.
I’m totally jazzed that you are getting into it too; did you see the haiku from Captain Picard and Yoda? Yoda even wrote a great one about Gollum. Here are some more haiku for your enjoymentude:
I love my wife and
Want to make love to her bod
As well as her mind
My daughter Kiera
Really really loves horses
I won’t buy her one
Paxton is talking
Naming everything he sees
Seagulls are now hawks
OK Junior Intergalactic Gladiators, I’ll write more if you want them.
Put your requests in the comments.
Intergalactic Gladiators, ho!
Posted by
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator
Intergalactic Communiqués
Labels: Summer of Haiku
Monday, May 11, 2009
Haiku Summer
Summer of what?
That’s right, Junior Intergalactic Gladiators, I’m on a haiku kick right now and I’ll write one just for you. It can be about anything, politics, space travel, movies. You name it (just ix-nay on the onkeyboy-may, OK?)!
Just to start things off a little, I wrote this one for Dr. Zaius’s post about Bristol Palin going on the talk show circuit to talk about abstinence:
Bristol's on TV
Showing us her abstinence
Good job, you dummy
So come one, come all. Send in your orders via the comment section below. This is just like Summer of iDoodles, but with poetry, so you know it’s cultured!
Update! For Dr. Zaius:
One haiku for brains
And one for chocolate cake
Or one that has both?
Posted by
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator
Intergalactic Communiqués
Labels: Summer of Haiku
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
The Most Interesting Man in the Galaxy
He once built a powerful supercomputer using only duct tape, two circuit boards, a ship’s steering wheel, and a less powerful supercomputer.
He once surfed the tail of a comet because it seemed like a cool thing to do.
He once defended a small village on planet Cruxes IV from a giant gelatin monster using only a fifty gallon drum of whipped cream and a wooden spoon.
He once made a suit entirely out of bacon and dared the lions at the zoo to take a bite.
None took him up on it.
He is the most interesting man in the galaxy.
“I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, it’s Dos Equis. I mean, usually, sometimes I’ll have a Sierra Nevada or maybe even a PBR if that’s all they have. Oh wait, it’s Cinco de Mayo! Of course I’m drinking a Dos Equis, that’s all I have. It’s way better than that Corona stuff.
Stay thirsty, my friends.”
Posted by
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator
Intergalactic Communiqués
Labels: Cinco de mayo