True Jersey Girl had a game going where she would think of characteristics of anyone who posted a comment on her blog entry. Even though she stopped playing the game by the time I posted my request to participate, I managed to meatball her into doing it for me anyway. I'll make it up her, though, I'll mention her in my blog. To fill out some space, I'll add comments as well.
1. Put your name in my comments, and I'll respond with something random about you. OK.
2. I'll tell you what song or movie reminds me of you -- Intergalactic by the Beastie Boys- That makes sense. Good choice.
3. I'll pick a color/flavor of Jello to wrestle you in (maybe) -- Galactic Grape - Another good choice. Not only is Galactic Grape delicious, it has the secret ability to fight side-by-side with two ships! Wait, that's Galaxian.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me -- Nothing - Don't worry about it. Things that I say rarely make sense to other people anyway.
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you -- God, this guy is giving me guilt and I don't even know him! Surely you have an earlier memory of me. Perhaps the time we fought bravely side by side against the Evil Hoarde? Wait, that was She-Ra
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of -- Monkey- OK, now you're jabbing the liger (a liger is pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic. )
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you -- Do you often write songs for Star Wars characters? Not normally. Usually I just copy and paste 'em!
8. If I do this for you, you must post this in your blog. You MUST. It is written. OK.
So there you have it, lots of fun from True Jersey Girl. Furthermore, if you like big hair and Motley Crue, you should definitely run over to her blog and give it a read.
uh... if I play do I have to put it on my blog thingy?
ok ok i'm a sucker for punishment, so go ahead......MITZZEE
hey, uh, Mister Gladiator man sir... IF I PLAY DO I HAVE TO PUT IT IN MY BLOG THINGY?
I wasn't planning on playing, but I could if you absolutely want me to.
OK Mitzee, here we go:
2. If you like Pina Coladas (I hope you do)
3. Jello Shots....
4. I may need help on this one.
5. The time we fought bravely side by side against the Evil Hoarde.
6. A Party animal!
7. Do you want to touch my monkey?
well, jeeze, man! YOU're the one who posted about it!
...but that still doesn't answer my querstion: IF I PLAY DO I HAVE TO PUT IT IN MY BLOG THINGY?
I only posted it because that was one of the stipulations True Jersey was playing by. If you don't want to put it in, I'm OK by that.
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