Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Most Interesting Man in the Galaxy

He once built a powerful supercomputer using only duct tape, two circuit boards, a ship’s steering wheel, and a less powerful supercomputer.

He once surfed the tail of a comet because it seemed like a cool thing to do.

He once defended a small village on planet Cruxes IV from a giant gelatin monster using only a fifty gallon drum of whipped cream and a wooden spoon.

He once made a suit entirely out of bacon and dared the lions at the zoo to take a bite.

None took him up on it.

He is the most interesting man in the galaxy.

“I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, it’s Dos Equis. I mean, usually, sometimes I’ll have a Sierra Nevada or maybe even a PBR if that’s all they have. Oh wait, it’s Cinco de Mayo! Of course I’m drinking a Dos Equis, that’s all I have. It’s way better than that Corona stuff.

Stay thirsty, my friends.”


Jean-Luc Picard said...

Those Mexican ladies seem to be enjoying the occasion with you.

mwb said...

Wait, let me guess. Is it Carrottop?

A Army Of (Cl)One said...

I got to be in the "Clono De Mayo" parade, but was very disappointed when I found out it was just me being dropped in to a vat of mayonnaise.

And I didn't know you smoked domestic cigars.

Heidi said...
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Anonymous said...

I have always thought you the interesting one of the bunch.. Hope you have been well - no fooling around at the Jedi Temple ya hear.. :)

NandeHi - Jedi Temple Governess

Vince Briefs said...

Um do you know where i can get zombie speedster repellant?

Dr. Zaius said...

Bacon? Did someone say bacon?

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Captain Picard -- They had an interesting time.

MWB -- No. LOL. Carrottop is and interesting man, but not the most interesting man in the galaxy.

AOC -- I saw a Clono de Mayo on a menu once. No wait, it was a BLT, never mind.

NandeHi -- Hey! Thanks for stopping by.

Vince -- I'm not sure. Can you just shoot the zombie in the head?

Dr. Zaius -- I sure did. Want some?

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