I was walking across the tarmac of the landing pad on Fire Island D when I thought I heard something off in the distance.
“Bounce... Bounce... Bounce...”
I stopped and looked around. I couldn’t see what was making that noise, though.
“Bounce… Bounce… Bounce…!”
Again, I couldn’t tell where that noise was coming from.
“Bounce. Bounce. Bounce!”
I quickly turned around. It didn’t work, I couldn't see who was doing it.
“Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!”
It seemed pretty obvious who it was, but I let him get closer.
“Howya doin’ Jonny, Jon Jon Jon Shabadoo?”
“Mojo the Monkeyboy,” I looked at him. “What brings you here?”“Well, buddypalchumbuddyfriend,” he answered. “I’ve been watching-swatching-glotching Last Gladiator Standing, of course.”
“Well, I was just thinking-inking,” Mojo continued. “You had a sidekick competition, righty?”
“I think you could have another one, Jingo Jango Jongo!” he squealed.
“Ah, so you could get a job ‘kicking?” I asked.
“You got it, Jon-Darme!” he snorted. “I’ll be your bestest friend fow ever and ever and ever!”
“So, you got your Intergalactic Sidekickery Phorce internship card?” I asked.
“Ah, well, er I wouldn’t say that I have insomuch as I am still not, er, mumble mumble,” he mumbled. “But I got my themesong! Listen to this!“The wonderful thing about monkeboys
Is monkeyboys are wonderful things!
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs!
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about monkeyboys is
I'm the only one!
“What do you think, Jon Boy Wall-Tin Tin Tin?”
“Well,” I said. “I can think of two things that might be wrong about that. First, you’re not the only monkeyboy. Second, I don’t think you actually have a tail.”
“Sure I do,” he answered. “My tailbone’s connected to my butt bone. My butt bone’s connected to my brain bone. Well, not actually, but hey! I can use that song maybe!”
“I think something like that’s been done before,” I chuckled. “Nice try.”
“OK, howabout:
“I am Mojo the Monkeyboy, nana nana nana nana Monkeyboy!”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to work so well either. Keep tryin’ though.”
“You got it buddy boy bones buoy bingo balk bundt cake cracker!”
Mojo happily bounced away in one direction, I walked off in another. I’m getting pretty good at this. Put up with a monkeyboy’s antics for a few minutes, then their short attention span will lead them into another direction. I chuckled to myself at the thought.My thoughts were interrupted as a soft, fuchsia energy surrounded me. I knew this feeling from before. I was being summoned by Queen Galacta.
I felt my molecules reassemble on a transporter pad. I stepped off it and walked up to the officer standing before me.“Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator,” he said. “The Queen of the Galaxy needs your help.”
“I know,” I answered.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Planet Hacknor, Fire Island D
Posted by
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator
Labels: Monkeyboy, Professor Xavier, Sargon
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So I am guessing the uniforms were picked out by the queen. And I further guess that the queen's freaky eyes cause her to be color blind.
Am I right?
Apparently I'm going to have to start a letter writing campaing to have Mojo killed, ASAP. What address do we send those missives and pleas to?
I am with Xavier
How about a competition where the sidekick gets to watch infomercials until they become paste?
No... too cruel.
Jaina: why turn over? what kind of kinky game are you playing here? (and can I join?)
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