Monday, July 30, 2007

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator, A Man of Action

A lot of candidates like to talk. They like to talk about the issues and about policies. The issues, it seems, are a lot like the weather. You can do a lot of talking about them, but you can't do a whole lot about them.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator is your man of action. He is the man who has compiled a winning record as a combatant in the Intergalactic Gladiator Entertainment (formerly the Intergalactic Gladiator Federation), he is the man who single handedly stopped Captain V'oss and his space pirates, and he is the man who brought the Jango James gang to justice at Laramie Outpost.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator is the man of action who you need in the White House to cut through the talking, cut through the red tape, and cut through the inaction and get things done.

A vote for Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator is a vote for freedom.

A vote for Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator is a vote for progress.

I'm Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator and I approve of this message.


Anonymous said...

Nice jeans. *wink* Very tight.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Those jeans look like they are so tight, you can't lower your leg!

SQT said...

Anyone who can wear those 'man of action' jeans gets my vote.

Gyrobo said...

These primaries start sooner and sooner.

Jeremy Rizza said...

"Action jeans?!" Wow! Just like Chuck Norris wears! Truly a vote for Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator is a vote for common sense!

Optimus Prime said...

Those jeans look comfortable and flexible. Perhaps I should look into getting a pair. Do ou think there are any in my size?

Nepharia said...

Those jeans look like just the thing when I'm out hunting down Jedi and terrorizing the you know where I can pick up a pair in my part of the Universe?

Lauphen Staar said...

Oooh.. ACTION JEANS!! I shall most certainly vote for a man in Action Jeans ;)

Flik Sivrak said...

Politics is only have to look at what happened to my home galaxy to see that. It causes nothing but strife. Go Feral! Become an anachist instead.

Captain Berk said...

I too like the jeans. A question:

Would they withstand a forward roll/karate chop manouvre, or would they fall off?

Either is good.

Professor Xavier said...

Actually, those jeans aren't denim. They're just paint. When wearing them I recommend not hanging on outside in the rain or we're going to have a whole new issue to deal with.